Here is something from about 100 years ago
Stalham Farmers' Club - July 10, 1912
Stalham Farmers' Club.
members of the Stalham Farmers' Club, which has now been in existence
70 years, on the invitation of Mr E G Cubitt, the president held their
quarterly meeting at Honing Hall on Tuesday.
The party was received by Mr and Mrs Cubitt on the lawn.
70 acres of fruit growing land was inspected, under the superintendance
of Mr Randall Cubitt, who ably explained the methods of culture. A
speciality was black currants while apples and pears formed important
About three acres are devoted to strawberries, which were in splendid condition. The fruit trees were also heavily laden.
chief difficulty appeared to be the supply of manure. This was chiefly
obtained by keeping pigs, which were purchased in the autumn and sold in
the spring.
The quantity of fruit obtained from the trees was 30 tons per acre.
details were ably and fully explained by Mr Cubitt. All the land was in
a high state of cultivation, the result of skill and carefully applied
A return was then made to the Hall, where a game of bowls was
played in the grounds until tea, which was served in a large marquee
near the hall. Mr E G Cubitt presided. After tea, bowls were resumed
till dark.
Reassembling in the marquee, Mr E G Cubitt took the chair,
supported by Messrs R Gurney, J Gaymer, C Birkbeck, H Baring, WCP
Cubitt, J C Littlewood, G Cobon, F C Neave; Lt (?) Plumbly, and others,
toast of "The King" was loyally responded to. Mr J C Littlewood,
proposed "The President," which was enthusiastically received with
musical honours. In the name of the club, he thanked Mr Cubitt for his
hospitality and the enjoyment and instructive afternoon he had provided
and especially noticed the unremitting interest their president had
taken at all times for the benefit of the club in obtaining the survives
of the most eminent agriculturists to read papers of the utmost
importance to them as farmers.
Mr Cubitt thanked the members for the
expression of their appreciation of his services. It had been to him a
source of much pleasure during the 20 years he had been their president
of the old established club and also the happy relationship which at all
times had existed between himself and the member.
He had acquired
much useful knowledge from the able papers, which from time to time, it
had been their good fortune to listen too.
In noticing the Insurance Act, he trusted, that as law abiding citizens they would do their best to carry out the provisions.
John Gaymer moved a hearty vote of thanks to Mr Randall Cubitt for
showing them around and also ably explaining the methods adopted. This
brought a memorable meeting to a successful close, the only regrettable
incident being the absence of the Rev M C H Bird, owing to severe